Gronkenheim - Somewhere between Nifelheim & Redmond: Curiouser and curiouser...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Curiouser and curiouser...

Just got back from seeing Curious George. They did a really good job of capturing the simple & light feeling of the books IMO. You'll be hard pressed to find a teenager that admits to enjoying this flick, there hasn't been an animated movie with a plot as simple and clean as this one since Lady and the Tramp. But anyone under 12 or over 30 should walk out with a warm little smile.

The animation work is pretty good. George feels like what you'd imagine him to be, and carries a lot of 'under the radar' emotion. Ferrel as the Man in the Yellow Hat works well, and doesn't suffer from being too much Ferrel. DrewBarrymore's voice detracted a bit from her character IMO, but she's only on screen a handful of times, so it wasn't a big deal.

The saga of how this movie got made could fill a book, it's been bounced around Hollywood for 15 years, and received 9 seperate treatments before one finally 'took'. And then I've read the team only had around a year to do it, which if true means they used that time incredibly well.

Anyways, that a traditional 2D ink & paint movie made it to big screen during the peak of the CG boom, and got a beautiful and loving treatment, makes the heart warm all on it's own, and anyone who believes in animation should go out and catch it just to support your fellow artists!


Blogger Gronk said...

The whole reverse buyout of Disney by Pixar was simply mind blowing to watch roll out.. I will no longer doubt the supremeness of Steve Jobs' business acumen.

Plus, we're all gonna see beautiful anims again!! YAY!! :D

What Lassiter's going to do with the parks though, that's the real trippy thing to think about..

12:12 AM  

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