The 50's should never have happened..
I'm firmly convinced that somewhere in the 1950's a scientist discovered a virus that made people completely insane, and we've all been coping with it for the last five and a half decades..

Still, a morbid fascination grips me about this stuff, and a road trip to Oregon to visit the store that sells this just might be in order.. Somehow, someway, I have to make sense of this world.
Yes, I am THAT nerdy.

Still, a morbid fascination grips me about this stuff, and a road trip to Oregon to visit the store that sells this just might be in order.. Somehow, someway, I have to make sense of this world.
Yes, I am THAT nerdy.
You don't fool me. You're far, far nerdier than you let on.
I rolled a 17. I WIN!
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