Gronkenheim - Somewhere between Nifelheim & Redmond: September 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007


OKay, we're officially back to crazy suburban farmer status again. After our Grand Goat Adventure, replete with exciting chase scenes, fights, spooky nighttime searches in foggy woodlands, scary old neighbor people, and blood & tears(tm), we're trying something a little more sedate and managable.. Mini-sheep!!

These two handsome bachelors, I'm naming Paul and Dane respectively, are mini french 'Cheviot' sheep. We lucked out and found a breeder right here in Woodinville. These guys can be hard to find, believe it or not. They're about a hand high shorter than regular sheep, and about 2/3rd's the weight.

The wool is softer and finer and thicker, and is really amazing stuff. Not quite sure how much usable skeins we'll get from only two sheep, but I'm sure it'll be enough for Kim to do something with. Her name suggestions were 'Cardigan' and 'Socks'..

Not sure how well they'll keep our grass down, but it's gotta be better than nothing.. Erik's already planning on working with them to start training Tara (our lab/border collie cross) herding techniques. Tara's more than smart enough, and even without training was helpful back with the goats.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bloody Gold

Well kids.. I know it's been hella long since an update to this dustbin of a blog. Been kinda busy working on teh Haloz3. It was a pretty rough ride to the end, but we just went gold, and by a freak of luck it happened on the same night as a 'Blood Moon' here in the northwest..

But the deed is done and by DAGON it's the most fun game I've ever worked on. Still feels just freaky to have worked on something so big.. We're mostly playing the game and trying to think up fun new game types now.

My workload actually started dropping off earlier in the summer, and we managed to squeek out a bit of family funtime. But it wasn't long until Kim fired up the abandoned mammoth 'Honey-Do' list, and we got back to crunching on our projects around the house.. You can see details on her blog:

Wee! On the plus side, as soon as we get the wall done and enough stones of the patio laid for a human to walk on, I get to buy one of these babies: , and invite people over for booze and bbq. YAY!

Now just to find time for some art again...