Gronkenheim - Somewhere between Nifelheim & Redmond: February 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The 50's should never have happened..

I'm firmly convinced that somewhere in the 1950's a scientist discovered a virus that made people completely insane, and we've all been coping with it for the last five and a half decades..

Still, a morbid fascination grips me about this stuff, and a road trip to Oregon to visit the store that sells this just might be in order.. Somehow, someway, I have to make sense of this world.

Yes, I am THAT nerdy.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Digging through a decade of files is sooo much fun! Really, you should all come over. I'll make some waffles.

Oh Ann Wilson from the cover of Little Queen, you always will be the one that stole my heart..

..waaait for it...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Curiouser and curiouser...

Just got back from seeing Curious George. They did a really good job of capturing the simple & light feeling of the books IMO. You'll be hard pressed to find a teenager that admits to enjoying this flick, there hasn't been an animated movie with a plot as simple and clean as this one since Lady and the Tramp. But anyone under 12 or over 30 should walk out with a warm little smile.

The animation work is pretty good. George feels like what you'd imagine him to be, and carries a lot of 'under the radar' emotion. Ferrel as the Man in the Yellow Hat works well, and doesn't suffer from being too much Ferrel. DrewBarrymore's voice detracted a bit from her character IMO, but she's only on screen a handful of times, so it wasn't a big deal.

The saga of how this movie got made could fill a book, it's been bounced around Hollywood for 15 years, and received 9 seperate treatments before one finally 'took'. And then I've read the team only had around a year to do it, which if true means they used that time incredibly well.

Anyways, that a traditional 2D ink & paint movie made it to big screen during the peak of the CG boom, and got a beautiful and loving treatment, makes the heart warm all on it's own, and anyone who believes in animation should go out and catch it just to support your fellow artists!

I don't care..

Apathy is one of those crazy hard 'in-between' emotions to capture. Halfway between sadness and anger.

A friend and I have an idea for a 3D short about a character that's super apathetic, so I doodled up some ideas. I kinda like the center-top guy the best, although none of them really seem to nail it for me. Don't know if I care enough about this idea to take it further or not though.. ;)

Illus Friday - Song

Didn't mean this to look like you Jason when I started it.. Honest..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sacré Blu!

Click here to go see coolnees.

Well, the French once again prove themselves to be mightier with the pen. Cartoon Network recently started a new line-up, realizing that (due to the physicalities of school/parents/planetary-alignments/etc) kids are pretty much still left alone with the TV to themselves for many hours each and every Saturday morning still to this day.

Amongst the line-up this time around are the usual fare of junk (Zixx) and attempts to capture the success of Indy Comix (Ben 10), and rip-offs from past toon network successes (Robot Boy)..

But this time a rare jewel dropped out of the sky from our friends across the Big Water..
Dragon Hunters is a title developed by the French animation powerhouse Futurikon, who's managed some healthy successes in their home turf and now are coming ashore. Check out the show, it's got kindof a Don Bluth-ish slant to it, but it's a mite bit better than most of Bluth's last 10 titles of artificially sweetened rotoscoping.

Oh, and the intro song is done by The Cure, how freaking cool is that?? :D

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Crunchy Chair

Well, this isn't mine, it's my dad's painting, but it's me in it.. :) It's pretty much the defining moment of my life I think. There's a lot you can learn from the side of a cereal box you know.

Promise I'll do my own soon.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Some monkey's I did up for a friend.. Not happy with 'em, gotta push the characters a LOT more, just establishing some basics on the ideas right now..