Full Frontal Nudity

Super super rough model of Walvis, the Revolutionary Leader Elvis Impersonating Walrus.. Go ahead and crit if ya wanna, he needs it at this point, and I'm inversely motivated, the more you chew him up the more I'll wanna crunch on him.
He's still missing his pompadour, clothes, a lot of facial stuff, real hands and feet, genitalia, back hair, etc.. Just kinda curious if there's anything to connect to here at all or not, or if he's kinda just weak. Hit me!
Marcus Sayz...
1. I say worker/biker boots instead of feet. The current feet make him look a little too Warner Brothers cartoony, and less tough. Were you thinking of giving him jeens w/ a cuff at the bottom? Perhaps give his pants a full break so they cover the back-most part of the heel.
2. I'd keep his upper lip from going so far back into his cheek. End it right after the teeth.
3. I think his double chin is starting just a bit too low on the neck. Pull it up a bit, and actaully pull the head up a bit too to accomidate more neck room. Then just slant the shoulders a bit more so you dont break your transition from the back of his neck to the rest of his body.
4. The current arms taper down to the hands, but in the drawing the forearm and wrists seem a bit thicker. Of course he has his shirt cuffed, but still. Also his hands look a bit bigger in the drawing.
5. Finally, i think the distance from his ear to the front of his face is shorter in the drawing than in the 3d model.
Dude, nice model and very nice drawing. This is going to be pimp daddy when you're done :)
ditch mesh smooth. it is poo. Use Sub-D's (one of the few things MAX does well) You could use the vertex weighting system to make the creases in the double chin and elsewhere.
Keep up the good work Gronq!
Marcus, you rule. Those are kickin crits.
Jim, you don't get the love until I get the crits, sorry. And Marcus has raised the bar high, so... :)
Hate? Not a chance, I love crits! Without crits, I'm just a fat old man stumbling in the dark.
Really, it's dark in here.
Coronas and Cuervo’s for the both of ya! :)
ps. And yeah, the balance of hard and soft edges is actually the main thing I'm struggling with right now. I don't want him to have that 'chisled' look like the Madagascar characters, that's being done all over the place and it's awesome, but I want something a little bit more Bob Clampett Looney Tunes in final appearence.
Anyhoo, these shots are already out of date, I'll try to finish up the first whack at his hair tonight and post some new shots.
Thx gents!
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